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Conservation Commission 01/11/11
Conservation Commission
January 11, 2011
Approved February 8, 2011

Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Eric Unger, Vice-Chair; Chuck Crickman, Deane Geddes, Members; Bill Annable, Frank Perrotta, Alternates;  Dick Wright, Ex-Officio.

Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 4:36 p.m.


The Commission reviewed the minutes of December 14, 2010 and made corrections. Mr. Wright made a motion to accept the minutes as presented/with corrections. Mr. Perrotta seconded the motion. All in favor.

Mr. Wright noted an error in the final minutes of November 9, 2010 under “Forest Laws Workshop”. The minutes stated that “Mr. Wright agreed.” which was incorrect since Mr. Wright was not in attendance for that meeting. The recording secretary stated that the correction will be made.


Mr. Unger reported to the Commission on the following Intents to Cut:
  • December 9, 2010 from Robert & Carol Von Ette, P.O. Box 248, Newbury, NH, for property located at Baher Road, Tax Map/Lot # 040-387-088, for 5,000 feet of white pine, by Charles Rose, logger/forester, 100 Chase Farm Road, Hopkinton, NH 03229, telephone (603) 746-2311.
  • December 13, 2010 from Carl & Lory Bennett, P.O. Box 185, Bradford, NH, for property located at Cheney Road, Tax Map/Lot # 041-331-243, for 10,000 feet of white pine, 15,000 feet of oak, by Scott B. Hill, logger/forester, P.O. Box 13, S. Newbury, NH 03272, telephone (603) 938-5994.
  • December 17, 2010 from Peter  K. Metsch, P.O. Box 10, Newbury, NH, for property located at South Road, Tax Map/Lot # 034-006-319, for 60,000 feet of white pine, 3,000 feet of red pine, 8,000 feet of oak, 3,000 feet of beech/soft maple, by Christopher W. Mock, P.O. Box 501, Bradford, NH 03221, telephone (603) 938-6096.
  • December 17, 2010 from  Peter  K. Metsch, P.O. Box 10, Newbury, NH, for property located at South Road, Tax Map/Lot # 044-776-364, for 20,000 feet of white pine and 2,000 feet of beech/soft maple, by Christopher W. Mock, P.O. Box 501, Bradford, NH 03221, telephone (603) 938-6096.
There was general discussion concerning timber tax and how it is determined, how to calculate timber feet, and how different wood is valued.

Mr. Geddes discussed the impact on logging locally created by the demand for fuel from a wood-burning generator at a pulp plant in Springfield. There was discussion regarding the impact on NH forests when meeting such a large and continual demand for wood fuel.

There was general discussion on the increased potential for clear cutting and the negative impact on the environment.

Mr. Wright noted that studies have been conducted that indicate NH forests are generating more forest wood than what is being used.

Mr. Geddes added that his research surfaced the fact that 13 acres of forest wood, when properly harvested, could provide a family with fuel for life.  


Ms. Holmes noted that three Shoreland Impact permits were received and tabled their review until the next meeting.


New Hampshire Natural Heritage Bureau (NHB)
Ms. Holmes shared with the Commission an overview on the process used by the NH Natural Heritage Bureau (NHB) to determine if a piece of property contains an old relic that needs protection. The NHB also identifies sensitive species of plants/trees/shrubs on a property that fall under its protective custody.

Mr. Geddes noted that such protection is a double edged sword and Ms. Holmes agreed. She said the earth is a finite planet containing endless development and there is a need to determine what is important within that framework. Several Commissioners regretfully agreed that the important factor in the equation is money. Mr. Wright agreed, adding that the current balance between the development and the finite reality of the planet is not sustainable.

There was discussion about the popularity – or lack of it – to “build green”.

Mr. Geddes discussed the concept of “green” building as it applies to the real estate business. He noted that the Code Enforcement Officer sees the “greenness” of a proposed building at the building permit level, adding that there is a state required energy code. The code requires higher R value insulation as well as specific installation techniques. The builder must submit the proposed plans to the state for approval. Mr. Geddes added that the energy efficiency depends on the cost – the higher the cost, the better the product. However, Mr. Wright noted that if the energy efficient measures are not installed properly they don’t work. Mr. Geddes added that it is up to the environmentally conscious client to ensure his/her building is appropriately “green”.

Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy Brochure
Mr. Unger shared with the Commission a copy of the Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy brochure and trail map (P.O. Box 567, Slingerlands, NY, telephone 518-436-6346). He said the Conservancy interweaves its trail map with information on the community, upcoming events and area information of interest to tourists and hikers.

Mr. Perrotta indicated a similar brochure on Newbury could be a good public relations tool not only for the town but also for the Conservation Commission.


Trail Map Committee
Mr. Perrotta reported on the progress of the committee regarding the amendment insert draft to the existing trail map. He presented the latest draft of the trail map insert and asked the Commissioners to review it and email any changes to him. He thanked Mr. Crickman for his thorough work on the insert information.

Mr. Perrotta presented the insert as a dual fold and Mr. Crickman presented the insert laid out as a tri-fold. The Commissioners indicated a preference for the tri-fold layout.

There was discussion concerning parking at the Caboose, the Post Office, and next to the harbor.

There was discussion regarding the correct name for Old Province Road. Mr. Perrotta noted that there is a Province Road and an Old Province Road as well. The Commissioners agreed that Old Province Road should be used since that is the name on the road sign.

Mr. Geddes complimented Mr. Perrotta, Mr. Crickman and Ms. Levine for their hard work on amending and updating the existing trail descriptions. The Commissioners agreed.


CAP/Newbury Elderly Housing Project
Ms. Holmes informed the Commission that the Merrimack Belknap Community Action Program (CAP) has requested that the Commission submit in writing its opinion(s) concerning the proposed CAP Newbury Elderly Housing project. She asked the Commissioners to review the Project Book in the land use coordinator’s office in preparation for a discussion at a future meeting.

Mr. Annable said he reviewed the Project Book and noted several areas of interest concerning the proposed project, including the proposed bio-retention areas, rain garden, environmental disposal areas (EDAs) and erosion control plan.

Ms. Holmes reviewed the CAP project to date - the number of presentations to the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment - and there was general discussion regarding same.

Mr. Crickman noted that the potential for a footpath along the existing railroad bed would be a good project for the Commission to support. Discussion of same followed.

New Fire Truck
Ms. Holmes noted that a new fire truck is now operational and uses foam instead of water to extinguish fires. Mr. Wright said the new truck will be advantageous for accessing properties that are tough to get to by the larger fire truck. Also, he said the foam is a more efficient method of extinguishing a fire since it essentially suffocates the fire.

Mr. Perrotta asked about the ecological impact of the chemicals in the foam. Mr. Wright said he would look into it and report back to the Commission on his findings.
Mr. Geddes made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Unger seconded the motion. All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 6:06 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Whittemore
Recording Secretary